reaching the unreachable with the grace and mercy of the gospel and facilitating others to do the same.

Go and Tell Ministries

Go and Tell’s Compassionate Ministries strives to meet the physical needs of the poor by providing food, clothing, basic hygiene products, medical care, dental care, eye care, etc.

Addressing these basic needs provides ministry opportunities to build relationships with the goal of planting and growing churches in new communities.  We continue to work towards opening community centers which offer adult education skills, such as reading, writing, cosmetology and computer skills. We believe that by providing someone with the tools to have a better life, a less burdened life, then their ears and hearts will be open to hear the truth of the Gospel. Our goal has always been to follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ as He ministered to both the physical and spiritual needs of those He came in contact with.

We have been called to Mexico to work in what the world would consider some less than choice social situations. At times we find ourselves in broken and dysfunctional homes. We are told the painful stories of childhoods long gone due to indescribable abuse and subsequent pain. We find ourselves walking down the street talking with women who work the streets professionally. We look into the eyes of those who are hungry and thirsty. We watch with dismay as addicts inject themselves as their children play underfoot. We witness those suffering from disease who cannot afford  medical treatment. We look at those who have so very little and are begging for anything we have to offer. These are the realities of our world – the realities that demand compassion and mercy. These are the realities that require us to make sure that the people who receive donated copies of the scripture can in fact read the most precious gift they have been given.

So many of the people we are working with come from backgrounds that we tend to think of only in terms of fictitious stories or outlandish newscasts – but their stories are real – their pain is real – and their distrust of anything good is very real because the world has never before offered them love and hope. The focus of our Compassionate Ministries is to not only meet physical needs but take steps towards becoming a part of communities. To move past the superficial niceties of life where mutual trust can be established and then clearly share the gospel.

You can follow the links below to read about some of the specific ways we are working to compassionately minister to those in Mexico…

Go and Tell’s Compassionate Ministries