Over the years God has moved churches from around the country to participate in Operation Blessing through some very unique ways. For example, several years ago Dauphin Way Baptist Church (home church of our Director of Missions, Mary Yarbrough) decided to do something special for the children of Matamoros during the Christmas season.  Their desire to help led them to begin sending boxes of candy, toys and hygiene products for literally hundreds of children each year. Over the years these gifts have been used in conjunction with the outreach programs we conduct in communities throughout Matamoros…sharing the message of the Gospel through the miracle of Christ’s Birth. As a ministry we are grateful for Dauphin Way Baptist Church and others that have joined her ranks in supporting us at Christmas.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."        

Matthew 5:7

There really is no better feeling in the world than helping meet the needs of others.

Maybe there is someone in your life that you want to honor or recognize for the ways in which they have been a blessing to you.

What could be better than giving a gift in their honor to further the work of the Lord?

  • Is there someone in your life that is a blessing to be around?
  • Is there someone in your life that would rather be a blessing than be blessed?
  • Is there someone in your life that you want to be a blessing to?

Well—why not consider giving a gift this Christmas season that would be a blessing to people you may never meet?

 A Gift of...
• $25 would provide a new pair of shoes for just two of the many children in our area who are in desperate need.

• $100 would provide a packet of diapers for 40 children in one of our missions whose parents cannot afford to  provide this basic necessity.

• $200 would provide a hot meal and cold drink for 150   people in any one of the many        locations we are currently working.

• $500 would provide a basic food box for one week of milk, sugar, salt, oil, beans, rice, flour for 75 families.

Go and Tell Ministries
Go and Tell Ministries is dedicated to reaching out and ministering to all those we encounter. Our desire is to provide for those in our midst who are hurting because of hunger, thirst, and neglect while at the same time offering the life saving nourishment found only in our Savior.

  • Won’t you consider partnering with us this Christmas season as we offer those who are hurting the grace and mercy of the gospel?
  • Will you be a blessing?
  • Will you consider being a blessing to those we have been called to serve here in Mexico?

As you extend your hand to help our brothers and sisters here, may God richly bless you for your generosity and willingness to help spread the Gospel throughout Mexico.

(Your tax deductible financial contribution may be sent to: 

Go and Tell Ministries, 1474 West Price Road #131, Brownsville, TX 78520)

Consider giving a financial gift to further the work of Go and Tell Ministries and be a blessing to the hundreds of families

we minister to every week.

Sound interesting?

Well, consider this...

Go and Tell Mexico

Operation Blessing

Will you be a blessing?

reaching the unreachable with the grace and mercy of the gospel and facilitating others to do the same.